1 Lesson 17 Always young 青春常驻 My aunt Jennifer is an actress. She must be at least thirty-five years old. In spite of this, she often appears on the stage as a young girl. Jennifer will have to take part in a new play soon. This time, she will be a girl of seventeen. In the play, she must appear in a bright red dress and long black stockings. Last year in another play, she had to wear short socks and a bright, orange-coloured dress. If anyone ever asks her how old she is, she always answers, 'Darling, it must be terrible to be grown up!' New words and expressions 生词和短语 appear v. 登场,扮演stage n. 舞台 bright adj. 鲜艳的 stocking n. (女用)长筒袜 sock n. 短袜 参考译文 我的姑姑詹妮弗是位演员,她至少也有35 岁了。尽管如此,她却常在舞台上扮演小姑娘。詹妮弗很快又要参加一个新剧的演出。这一次,她将扮演一个17 岁的少女。演出时她必须穿一条鲜红色的裙子和黑色的长筒袜。去年在演另一个剧时,她不得不穿短袜和一件鲜艳的橘红色的衣服。一旦有人问起她有多大年纪,她总是回答:“亲爱的,长成大人真可怕啊!” 1. Always young 青春常驻 1) always [ˈɔ:lweiz] adv. 1. at all times; on every occasion 总是;每次都是: e.g. 她每次都是7:30 到。She always arrives at 7:30. 她事事都迟到。She’s always late for everything. 我们并不总是这么忙!We’re not always this busy! 2. for a long time; since you can remember 一直;一贯 e.g. 玛丽一直喜爱园艺。Mary has always loved gardening. 我们一直是这样干的。This is the way we’ve always done it. 3. for all future time(将) 永远 e.g. 我将永远爱你。I’ll always love you. 4. If you say a person is always doing sth. or something is always happening, you mean that they do it, or it happens, very often, and that this is annoying (讨厌地) 老是;一再 e.g. 她老是批评我。She’s always criticizing me. 那个电话总是响个不停。That pho...