常见正义反义句式.txt珍惜生活——上帝还让你活着,就肯定有他的安排。雷锋做了好事不留名,但是每一件事情都记到日记里面。常见的特殊句式【正义反译】【比较结构】(2010-05-13 21:30:27) 转载标签: 杂谈 一、“正话反说”常用句式 1.not...without 1)They never meet without quarrelling. 他们每次见面必吵架。 2)There is no general rule without some exception. 所有的普遍规律都有例外。 3)One cannot think of Africa without thinking of Egypt,the cradle of ancient civilization,nor of Egypt without the Nile. 每当人们想起非洲,就必然会想到作为古代文明发祥地的埃及,而一想到埃及,就会想到尼罗河。 另外,人们在出版一本书时,总要在前言里对给予帮助的有关人员表示感谢,在这种情况下,汉语一般是 正面提,而英语从反面说,常用此结构。 4)This book could not have been written or published without the help of dozens of people, and I am deeply grateful to all of them. 本书得以编写和出版,还由于很多人的大力协助,我对他们深表谢意。 2.cannot...too 英语中的“cannot...too”是一种常见的用否定形式表达肯定意义的结构,它相当于“it is impossible too overdo...”(无论怎样也不为过)。 1)I cannot be too grateful for his help. 对于他给予的帮助,我非常感激。(我无论怎样感激也不为过) 2)The value of the information he has provided cannot be overestimated. 他提供的信息非常宝贵。(其价值无论怎样估计也不为过) 3)A book may be compared to your neighbor:if it be good,it cannot last too long;if bad,you cannot get rid of it too early. 一本书好比你的邻居:如果是本好书,保持的时间越长越好;如果是本坏书,处理得越早越好。 3.直接式的双重否定 这种句式通常由 no,not,never等否定词与 not,but,for nothing等连用。 1)There is no one that does not want to help you. 每个人都愿意帮助你。 2)There is no surgical patient I cannot treat competently,treat just as well or better than any other surgeon. 任何外科病人我都能治,我的治疗与其他外科医生一样高明...