奥运英语 一、眼部检查 1.您好,请问有什么能帮你? Good morning/afternoon! Can I help you? (What can I do for you?) 2.请问您是检查眼睛还是配眼镜? Would you like to see eye doctor or optometrist? 3.这是裂隙灯,检查眼睛的时候会有比较强的光照射眼睛,请坚持一会儿。向前看,向上看,向下看,眨眨眼。眼睛有慢性结膜炎(角膜炎,倒睫,结石,滤泡,乳头,角膜异物)。 This is slit-lamp. It will send strong light on your eyes. Keep your eyes open, please. Look straight, look up, look down, and blink your eyes. You have chronic conjunctivitis (keratitis, trichiasis,[ ]concretion, follicle, papilla, cornea foreign body). you should see an eye doctor. 4.您眼睛有没有如下症状:闪光、有漂浮物、光晕、复视、时常或严重的头痛,眼痛、眼红、流泪或沙砾感? Do you have any of these problems with your eyes: flashes of light, floaters, halos around lights, double vision, frequent or severe headaches, eye pain, redness, tearing, or a gritty feeling in your eyes? 5.症状从什么时候开始的?一般持续多长时间? When did this happen? How long has it lasted? 6.您曾经检查过眼睛吗?有没有做过手术、受过外伤或严重的感染? Have you ever had any medical examinations of your eyes? Any surgeries, injuries, or serious infections of your eyes? 7.您曾经用过眼药吗?若有,什么药,您服用了多长时间,它用来治疗什么病,剂量如何? Have you ever used any medication for your eyes? What medication have you used? How long have you been taking the medication, what is it for, and what is the dosage? 8.您的眼睛现在发炎了,目前不适宜配戴隐形眼镜,请去眼科检查治疗,痊愈后才能继续配戴隐形眼镜。 Your eyes have inflammation now. Contact lens is not good for you. You had better see an eye doctor. When your inflammation heals, you may use contact lens. 9.眼部手术后不宜马上配镜,因为眼睛还处于恢复期,屈光度不稳定。通常三个月后可以配镜...