13、浅表淋巴结[superficial lymph nodes] ·浅表淋巴结未扪及[be no palpable superficial lymph nodes (…can not be palpated)] ·淋巴结肿大[enlarged lymph nodes (lymphnode enlargement)] ·部位[site] ▲全身(局部)[general (local)] ▲耳前(后)淋巴结[pre(post)-auricular nodes] ▲枕后淋巴结[occipital nodes] ▲颏下淋巴结[submental nodes] ▲下颌淋巴结[submaxillary nodes] ▲颈前(后)淋巴结[anterior (posterior) cervical nodes] ▲锁骨上淋巴结[supraclavicular nodes] ▲滑车上淋巴结[epitrochlear nodes] ▲ 腋 窝 上 ( 内 侧 , 前 , 后 , 外 侧 ) 淋巴结[axillary top (medial,anterior,posterior,lateral)] ▲腹股沟淋巴结(横组,纵组)[inguinal nodes (transverse group,longitudinal group) lymphnode] ·大小[size] ▲4×2cm 大小[4 by 2 cm in diameter (size)] ▲米粒(豌豆,核桃,小指,拇指,拳头,手掌,鸡蛋)大小[size of a rice grain (pea,walnut,small,ringer,thumb,fist,palm,hen’s egg)] ▲针头大小[pinhead size] ▲苹果大小[size of an apple] ▲小孩头(成人大小)[size of a(n) infant’s(man’s) head] ·形态[shape] ▲不规则[irregular] ▲结节(颗粒、纺锤)状的[tuberous (granular,spindle-shaped)] ▲光滑(粗糙)的[smooth (coarse)] ▲平坦(凹凸不平)的[flat (uneven)] ▲球(椭园,卵园,园)形的[globular (elliptical,oval,circular)] ·硬度和活动度 [hardness and mobility] ▲硬(软)[hard (soft)] ▲石头(骨)样硬 [of stone-like (bone-like)] ▲可活动(固定)的 [movable (fixed)] ▲与周围组织(结构)固定 [be fixed to the surrounding tissues (structures)] ▲压痛[tenderness] ▲融合(粘连)[fusion (adhesion)] ▲肿胀(疤痕)[swelling (fistula)] 第七章 体检(头颈部)[Phy sical ex amination(head and neck)] 1、头颅[cranium,skull] ·头颅变形[deforming skull] ·头形(围)[head contour (circumference)] ·小颅(尖颅,巨颅)[microcephalism (acrocephalia,large skull)] ·长(短)头[dolichocephalia (brachycephalism)] ·方(塔)颅[squared (tower) skull] ·落日现象[sitting su...