1NEO-Fiv e-Factor Inv entory (NEO-FFI) Source: Costa, P. T., & McCrae, R. R. (1992). Revised NEO Personality Inventory and NEO Five-Factor Inventory. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources. Neuroticism Facets 1. I am not a worrier. 2. I rarely feel fearful or anxious. 3. I often feel tense and jittery. 4. I often get angry at the way people treat me. 5. I rarely feel lonely or blue. 6. Sometimes I feel completely worthless. 7. I am seldom sad or depressed. 8. Too often, when things go wrong, I get discouraged and feel like giving up. 9. At times I have been so ashamed I just wanted to hide. 10. I often feel inferior to others. 11. I often feel helpless and want someone else to solve my problems. 12. When I’m under a great deal of stress, sometimes I feel like I’m going to pieces. Extraversion Facets 1. I really like most people I meet. 2. I really enjoy talking to people. 3. I like to have a lot of people around me. 4. I usually prefer to do things alone. 5. I would rather go my own way than be a leader of others. 6. I often feel as if I’m bursting with energy. 7. My life is fast-paced. 8. I am a very active person. 9. I like to be where the action is. 10. I am not a cheerful optimist. 11. I am a cheerful, high-spirited person. 12. I laugh easily. 2Openness Facets 1. I don’t like to waste my time daydreaming. 2. I am intrigued by the patterns I find in art and nature. 3. Poetry has little or no effect on me. 4. Sometimes when I am reading poetry or liking at a work of art, I feel a chill or wave of excitement. 5. I seldom notice the moods or feelings that different environments produce. 6. Once I find the right way to do something, I s...