医院药事管理中存在的问题及优化策略综述 DOI:10.16659/j.cnki.1672-5654.2016.10.196 随着我国医疗卫生事业的不断进步,人们对医疗服务以及医疗水平的要求也逐渐提升,医院对药品的管理以及其服务质量直接影响了患者对医院的满意程度,从而对医院的健康长远经营产生影响。药事管理是各个医院管理中的重要环节,该文详细分析了医院药事管理的意义,研究了目前在药事管理中存在的几点问题,并在此基础上提出几点针对性建议,希望能够对医院药事管理工作有所帮助,促使医院的健康长远发展。 标签: 药事管理;问题;优化策略 The Problems Existing in the Hospital Pharmaceutical Affairs Management and Optimization Strategy LIU Jin-yan Pharmacy department of Linxi hospital in Chifeng city,Inner Mongolia,Linxi,Inner Mongolia, 025250 China [Abstract] Along with the advance of medical and health undertakings in our country, people demand for medical services and medical level also gradually improve, the hospital management of the drug and its service quality directly affect the satisfaction of hospital patients , thus affect long-term hospital health management. Pharmaceutical affairs management is a key link in the hospital management , this paper analyzes in detail the meaning of the hospital pharmaceutical affairs management, studied several problems existing in current in the pharmaceutical affairs management, and based on this, advances some corresponding Suggestions, hoping to help the hospital pharmaceutical affairs management work, to promote long-term development of the hospital health. [Key words] Pharmaceutical affairs management; Problem; Optimization strategy 药事管理指的是在临床应用药学预防和患者安全的基础上,对用药的全过程予以合理的管理、实施以及组织工作,确保医院药物管理有效性[1]。药事管理属于每个医疗单位中的重要环节,随着我国卫生事业的逐渐发展,药事管理已经受到重视,但其发展仍处于起步阶段,存在一些滞后性因素[2]。该文主要以医院药事管理...