1土地征收中行政复议权的保护——以深圳市小产权房为例摘 要随着城市建设不断加快发展,土地资源日渐稀缺,土地征收越来越多,进而引发的土地征收问题也日渐严峻,所衍生的人民行政复议权保护日趋值得重视。本文就土地征收问题中的行政复议权保护问题进行了相关的研究和探讨。首先进行了概念的界定,明确了文中所提到的土地征收和行政复议权的具体含义,进而列出了就土地征收中行政复议权保护中的四个突出问题,进行了相应的分析。结合具体案例,对相关所涉及的问题提出了改进建议,最后得出结论。关键词:土地征收 行政复议权 具体体行政行为 拆迁 小产权房英文摘要AbstractWith the rapid development of urban construction, land resources are becoming scarcer and land expropriation is increasing, and the land expropriation problems caused by it are becoming more and more serious. The protection of the people's administrative reconsideration rights derived from them is increasingly worth paying attention to. This 2article has carried out related research and discussion on the protection of administrative reconsideration rights in the issue of land expropriation. First, the concept is defined, the specific meaning of the land expropriation and administrative review right mentioned in the article is clarified, and then the four prominent issues in the protection of the administrative review right in land expropriation are listed and analyzed accordingly. Combined with specific cases, it puts forward suggestions for improvement on related issues, and finally draws conclusions.Keyword; Land requisition; Administrative review right; Specific administrative behavior; Demolition; Small property room目录一、引言..........................................................................................................................................6(一)研究目的和现实意义............................................................................................................