包装技巧在旅游类栏目包装中的应用与研究 —— 以《慢游全世界》为例 Application and Research of Promotion Skills in Tourism Column Promotion—— Take "Feel The World" as an Example 内容摘要如今栏目越来越丰富化与多样化,在这样的市场环境下,各个栏目之间存在着非常激烈的竞争,要想赢得受众的喜爱,提升自身栏目的竞争力,做好栏目的包装宣传工作尤为重要。研究栏目包装形象的方法技巧,使得栏目包装能够突显该栏目的个性特点和特色,确立并增强观众对该栏目的识别能力,令观众对该栏目有深入人心的印象,确立该栏目的品牌地位。本文旨在研究栏目包装形象的方法技巧,主要针对旅游类栏目包装片头以及栏目形象宣传片,从风格、创意主题、画面色彩、构图、声音、剪辑等方面进行研究与思考。最后以《慢游全世界》为例,将研究的理论运用到实践中,找准栏目的定位,运用所研究的方法技巧,为该栏目设计制作符合栏目内容风格的栏目包装片头及栏目形象宣传片,进一步探索研究成果的可行性。关键词: 栏目包装 片头 形象宣传片 AbstractNowadays, columns are becoming more and more rich and diversified. In such a market environment, there is a very fierce competition among columns. In order to win the favor of the audience and improve the competitiveness of their own columns, it is particularly important to do a good job in column packaging and publicity. Research on the methods and skills of column packaging image, so that column packaging can highlight the column's personality and characteristics, establish and enhance the audience's ability to identify the column, make the audience have a deep impression on the column, and establish the column's brand status.The purpose of this paper is to study the methods and skills of column packaging image, mainly focusing on the tourism column packaging titles and column image publicity films, from the aspects of style, creative theme, picture color, composition, voice, editing and so on. Finally, take "slow travel around the...