摘 要数学作为一门的特殊学科,高度的抽象性、严谨的逻辑性以及宽泛的应用性是它的特点。其中数学的两大研究对象“数”与“形”的关系是数学研究的重要方面,数形结合作为一种重要的数学教学思想和教学方法出现在小学教育教学过程中,有利于学生愈加直观、深刻地理解数学特点。本文通过阐述数形结合方法的重要作用,同时举例出小学数学中能渗透数形结合思想的类型题以及如何让学生积极主动地运用数形结合思想来更好地分析解决问题,力求探究数形结合方法在小学数学教学中的应用与价值。关键词:数形结合;教学;小学数学;思想方法 AbstractAs a special subject, mathematics is characterized by its high abstractness, rigorous logic and wide application. The relationship between "number" and "form" , the two major objects of mathematics research, is an important aspect of mathematics research. The combination of number and form, as an important mathematics teaching thought and method, appears in the teaching process of primary education, it is helpful for students to understand the characteristics of mathematics more intuitively and profoundly. This paper expounds the important function of the combination of number and shape, and gives examples of the types of problems which can permeate the thought of combination of number and shape in primary school mathematics, and how to make students actively use the thought of combination of number and shape to better analyze and solve problems, try to explore the application and value of the combination of number and shape in primary school mathematics teaching.Key words : Combination of numbers and shapes ; Teaching;Primary school mathematics;Method of thinking 目 录1 引言 .............................................................. 1 2 数形结合思想的概述................................................23 小学数学教材中能较好渗透数形结合思想的四大类型题..................53.1 代数运算中的类型题...