数形结合思想在解题中的应用摘要 数学是研究数量关系与空间形式的科学,数形结合思想是连结数和形的桥梁,将数的抽象性与形的直观性相结合,使得抽象思维与形象思维相结合。通过对初中数学中考真题中的具体真实例题进行研究与分析,将其分为三种类型:用数解形、用形解数和数学结合,探究其在解决几何问题、不等式问题、函数类问题和概率论问题中应用的优越性,得出了一些在解题中使用数形结合思想的优点。通过访谈法和问卷调查法对数形结合思想在中学数学教学中应用的具体情况以及师生对其的看法进行研究分析,发现当前教学中存在的一些问题,针对教学应用中问题提出了几点改善教学应用现状的方法与措施。以期达到应用数形结合思想解题能够提升学生应用数学知识的能力,丰富学生的解题方法 ,提高解决问题的能力,进而达到事半功倍的学习效果。关键词 数形结合 数学教学 思想方法 应用The application of the combination of number and shape in solving problemsAbstract Mathematics is a science that studies the relationship between numbers and spatial forms. The idea of combining numbers and shapes is a bridge that connects numbers and shapes. It is to combine the abstraction of numbers with the intuitiveness of shapes, so that it combines abstract thinking with image thinking. Through the research and analysis of the specific real examples in the junior middle school mathematics exam, it is divided into three types: solving with numbers, combining numbers with shapes and mathematics, exploring their solutions to geometric problems, inequality problems, function problems and The superiority of the application in the theory of probability theory has obtained some advantages of using the combination of numbers and shapes in solving problems. Through the interview method and questionnaire survey method, the specific situation of the application of the combination of numbers and shapes in middle school mathematics teaching and the views of teachers and students on it...