摘 要“数学史融入高中数学教学”一直是新课程改革的热点。本文旨在研究如何将数学史融入高中数学教学,使其具有教育性。首先,通过前期的文献查阅,了解到数学史融入高中数学教学对高中教师和学生的积极意义;其次,通过到一线学校进行问卷调查,了解到数学史教学在高中数学课堂上的现状;最后,根据调查情况给出一些如何将数学史融入高中数学教学的建议。关键词:数学史;高中数学教学;数学史应用Abstract"The history of mathematics into high school mathematics teaching" has always been the hot spot of the new curriculum reform. The purpose of this paper is to study how to integrate the history of mathematics into the teaching of mathematics in senior high school so as to make it educational. First of all, through the literature review in the early stage, we can understand the positive significance of integrating the history of mathematics into high school mathematics teaching for high school teachers and students; second, we can understand the current situation of the history of mathematics teaching in high school mathematics classroom through a questionnaire survey in front-line schools; finally, we can give some suggestions on how to integrate the history of mathematics into high school mathematics teaching according to the survey.Key words: History of mathematics; High school mathematics teaching;Application of history of mathematics目 录1 引 言...................................................................................................12 数学史融入高中数学教学的意义..............................................................22.1 数学史融入教学对学生的意义...................................................................22.2 数学史融入教学对教师的意义...................................................................23 数学史融入高中数学教学的现状..............................................................33.1 数学史融入教学的...