1高考理科全国卷数学应用题的若干思考摘 要数学前景的不断开拓和发展,使得数学教育中关于数学知识的应用意识变得越来越重要。在大数据快速发展的时代里,数学与科学技术生产力相结合,在一定程度上为社会政治经济创造了许多价值,因此数学应用的快速发展成为了 20 世纪下半叶的数学教育中最显著的特征之一。近十年高考理科全国卷的应用题是以我们日常生活的切实例子为背景结合概率与统计知识出现在高考中并且是高考数学全国卷的重要内容。本文分析了近十年来高考理科全国卷应用的题型、比重和考查的内容与背景,探究数学应用题的发展过程和其形成的原因,为学生备战高考应用题提供几点建议,同时也为教师在应用题的教学方面提出了一些建议。关键词:数学教育;数学应用题;大数据时代2高考理科全国卷数学应用题的若干思考AbstractWith the advancement of mathematics prospect, the employment consciousness of mathematics knowledge becomes increasingly substantial in mathematics education. In the age of big data, the combination of mathematics and technological production has contributed a great deal to our social, political and economic development in some degree. Consequently,what has come into being one of the most significant features of mathematics education is the quick evolution of mathematics application in the second half of the 20th century. The mathematical application problems in the national college entrance examination of the recent ten years is a practical example of our daily life as the background combining probability and statistical knowledge in the college entrance examination and is an important part of the national college entrance examination mathematics paper.This paper analyzes question types, proportion, test contents and background of mathematical application problems in the national college entrance examination of the recent ten years; moreover, this article also probes into the development and causes of mathematical application problems....