辅助线在初中平面几何中的常见应用摘要 平面几何是中考中重点考查对象,不仅具有很强的逻辑性,同时考验我们学生的思维发展能力。尤其在一些需要添加辅助线的几何题中,蕴含着许多重要的知识点。但是由于出题人的巧妙设计,学生往往不能灵活地运用学过的知识点,不能顺利的解出答案。因此这部分内容对于中等以及中等以下成绩的学生来说,是一个不小的挑战,会在这些题目上失误失分。本文对中考题中常见的辅助线问题进行系统的整理,归纳方法题型使得添加的辅助线有规律可循,从而提高学生的解题技巧,培养学生的数学能力。通过文献资料法和教师访谈法,寻找学生几何解题困难的原因,提出相应的几何教学建议。关键词: 辅助线 图形构造 几何变换The common application of auxiliary lines in plane geometry of junior middle schoolAbstract In the middle school mathematics textbook, Planar geometry is the key test object. Not only has a strong logic, but also tests our students' thinking development ability. Especially in some geometric problems that need to add auxiliary lines, there are many important knowledge points. However, due to the ingenious design of the person who created the question, students often cannot flexibly use the knowledge they have learned and cannot solve the answer smoothly. Therefore, this part of the content is a big challenge for students with intermediate and below grades, and will make mistakes on these topics. This article systematically sorts out the auxiliary line problems that are common in the middle school entrance examination questions. The induction method makes the added auxiliary lines follow regularly, thereby improving students'problem-solving skills and cultivating students' mathematical ability. Through the literature data method and teacher interview method, find the reasons why students are difficult to solve the geometry problem, and put forward the corresponding geometry teaching suggestions.Key wor...