PPT 情境下数学课堂教学中板书的意义和策略摘要 我国的中长期教育规划中指出,信息技术对教育发展的影响必须高度重视。目前在数学课堂教学中,多媒体课件得到了普遍应用,那么,为什么还要强调板书,板书的意义与策略又是什么?该文围绕这一问题,以布鲁纳的教学理论和建构主义学习理论为理论基础,以具体的案例为载体,进行分析研究,得出如下结论:(1)PPT 的使用,能帮助学生理解抽象概念。但片面追求 PPT 而忽视板书的必要性,会导致忽视学生的主体地位,影响教学效果。(2)新形势下,板书是多媒体课件不可替代的,其对新知的再现,重难点的突出,学生自主探究的引导,知识点滴研磨的感悟,记忆的加深等,具有重要意义与作用。(3)教师应根据板书的要求,讲究板书的启发性、艺术性、结构性,针对不同课型、不同课程内容进行精心设计。关键词 多媒体课件 板书 板书意义 板书策略 The Significance and Strategy of Blackboard Writing in Mathematics Classroom Teaching under PPTAbstract China's medium and long-term education planning points out that the impact of information technology on education development must be highly valued. At present, in mathematics classroom teaching, multimedia courseware has been widely used, so why should we emphasize blackboard writing? What is the significance and strategy of blackboard writing? Based on Bruner's teaching theory and constructivism learning theory, and with specific cases as carriers, this paper makes an analysis and Research on this issue, and draws the following conclusions:(1) Using PPT can make the abstract concepts better understood by students. However, one-sided pursuit of PPT and neglect of the necessity of blackboard writing will lead to neglect of the main position of students and affect the teaching effect.(2) Under the new situation, blackboard writing is an irreplaceable multimedia courseware. It has important significance and role in the reappearance of new knowledge, the highlight of key and difficu...