摘 要本文以福安市为研究区域,对福安市暑期少儿游泳培训现状为研究对象,5家游泳场馆为调查对象。通过文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法等研究方法展开调查,就其中儿童的参与情况、培训情况、家长的态度等进行了解,通过研究调查表明得出如下结论:(1)福安市各家长对于游泳运动还是有较为正确的认知;(2)诸多儿童对游泳有着极高的兴趣;(3)各游泳场馆的宣传方式依旧是以传统的线下方式;(4)不少游泳场馆并没有恒温泳池;(5)少儿培训班基本都是以短期速成为主。并为福安市各游泳场馆提出了如下建议:(1)更多采用线上的方式做好宣传;(2)做好恒温泳池的建设;(3)采取多样化的培训班;(4)教学中配备专门的安全人员;(5)关注家长的需要。关键词:暑期少儿游泳;培训;现状AbstractThis paper takes Fu'an City as the research area, and takes the current situation of children's swimming training in summer as the research object, with 5 swimming venues as the research object. Through the investigation of literature, interview and questionnaire, we can find out the children's participation, training and parents' attitude. Through the investigation, we can draw the following conclusions: (1) parents in Fu'an city still have a correct cognition of swimming; (2) many children have a high interest in swimming; (3) swimming venues The way of publicity is still the traditional offline way; (4) many swimming venues do not have constant temperature swimming pools; (5) children's training courses are basically short-term quick results; (6) the quality of training is not high. The following suggestions are put forward for the swimming venues in Fu'an City: (1) more online publicity; (2) construction of constant temperature swimming pool; (3) diversified training courses; (4) special safety personnel in teaching; (5) attention to the needs of parents.Key words: Summer children swimming; Training; The status quo3目 录1 引言..............................