中式园林要素在酒店中庭设计中的运用 ━━━以广州白天鹅宾馆为例 摘 要本文第一部分先对中式古典园林及其要素进行分析,了解中式园林构成因素;第二部分对中式园林要素在现代酒店中庭空间绿化的运用分析,并了解中式园林在酒店中庭设计中的应用原则;最后以广州白天鹅酒店为案例,详细分析中式园林要素在广州白天鹅酒店中庭的运用方法。通过具体案例的分析,得出中式园林要素在现在酒店中庭空间的具体运用方法,为以后在酒店中庭设计中运用中式园林要素提供一些建议。将中式园林的造景手法与元素运用到现代几何空间中,与现代中庭空间的融合,标志着酒店中庭景观设计发展的必然趋势。【关键词】中式园林;中式园林要素;中庭景观设计;应用原则;The application of Chinese landscape elements in the hotel atrium design-------The white swan hotel in guangzhou as an exampleAbstractThe first part of this paper to analyze the Chinese classical garden and its elements, learn Chinese landscape factors. The second part for Chinese garden elements in modern hotel atrium space greening of analytical, and understand Chinese garden in the application of the hotel atrium design principles. The white swan hotel in guangzhou as a case, a detailed analysis of Chinese style garden elements using the method of the atrium in guangzhou white swan hotel. Through the analysis of specific case, it is concluded that Chinese garden elements in hotel now concrete application method of the atrium space for later in the hotel atrium design with Chinese landscape to provide some Suggestions.To use Chinese style garden landscape and elements to modern geometry space, and the fusion of modern atrium space, marked the hotel atrium landscape design development inevitable trend.Key words: Chinese garden; Chinese landscape; The atrium landscape design; application of the principles目 录引言………………………………………………………………………………………1 一、中式园林要素的界定…...