视知觉训练治疗儿童弱视的临床疗效分析摘要 弱视通常是因为不正常的视觉经验而引起了视力比较差的情况,这种情况一般出现在孩子视觉发育的重要时期,一旦出现弱视的情况,很难通过一般的方法把视力矫正到正常状态。弱视在生活﹑学习﹑工作等各方面都有极大的危害,古往今来也出现了很多治疗的方法:遮盖法﹑压抑疗法﹑精细训练﹑海丁格刷﹑各种治疗仪和训练软件等,治疗效果也是参差不齐,近年来不断的提出了视知觉训练法,视知觉训练是指在进行某种特殊的视觉刺激训练后,对这种视觉刺激所产生的改变是永久的、持续性的。本文根据近年来的研究结果及部分案例,对视知觉训练的原理﹑方法﹑效果等做一个综合分析。关键词: 弱视;视知觉;临床疗效 【Abstract】Amblyopia is usually due to abnormal visual experience caused by poor vision, this situation generally occurs in the child's visual development of the important period, once the situation of amblyopia, it is difficult to correct the vision to normal state through the general method. Amblyopia in life, learning, work and other aspects have great harm, ancient times and now there have been many methods of treatment: cover method, repressed therapy, fine training, Hedinger brush, a variety of therapeutic instruments and training software, the therapeutic effect is also uneven, in recent years has been put forward the visual perception training method, and visual perception training refers to the change caused by this visual stimulation after carrying out some special visual stimulation training is permanent and persistent。Based on the results of recent years and some cases, this paper makes a comprehensive analysis of the principle, method and effect of visual perception training. 【Key words】Amblyopia; Visual Perception; Clinical Efficacy第一章 弱视1.1 弱视的定义弱视一般发生在儿童发育的重要时期,因为一些不正常的视觉经验使得患者的大脑没有建立起好的视觉功能,像形觉剥夺、屈光参差、单眼斜视、高度屈光不正这些...