说唱歌手演唱会的平面设计研究—以”直火帮“为例Study on graphic design of rappers' concerts - a case study of "Straight Fire Gang"内容摘要本文旨在研究如何通过平面视觉的设计,将歌手更好的进行宣传与推广以及将 livehouse 这一演出形式让更多人知晓,使 livehouse 的演出不再只是局限于小众歌手。在对说唱类演唱会进行品牌形象设计时,需要在品牌标志和海报上体现歌手的特色以及专辑的主题,通过辅助图形、文字排版以及颜色碰撞,吸引客户群体的眼球,设计出具有吸引力的品牌形象。说唱类的演唱会通常会融入大量的嘻哈元素,嘻哈文化主要以夸张、个性、张扬的图案、字体以及色彩进行表达,给人视觉上强烈的冲击感。由于说唱类演唱会面向的群体更多是青年,他们追求个性,因此说唱类演出的主题定位在“个性、独特、有态度”这三个方面。关键词: 说唱音乐 小型现场 平面视觉AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to study how to better publicize and promote singers and let more people know about the performance form of livehouse through the design of graphic vision, so that the performance of livehouse is no longer limited to minority singers. When designing the brand image of the rap concert, we need to embody the singer's characteristics and the theme of the album on the brand logo and poster, and attract the attention of the customers through auxiliary graphics, Typography and Color Collision, create an attractive brand image. Rap concerts usually incorporate a lot of hip-hop elements. Hip-hop culture is mainly expressed by exaggeration, personality, bold patterns, fonts and colors, giving people a strong sense of visual impact.As rap concerts are aimed at young people who pursue individuality, the theme of rap shows is "personality, uniqueness and attitude".Key words: Rap Livehouse Vision目录1.演唱会主题简介 .........Error: Reference source not found1.1 演唱会平面视觉形象概述Error: Reference source not found1.2 演唱会平面视觉的发展现状Error: ...