广东东软学院本科毕业设计(论文) 满洲窗图案在插画设计中的应用研究 Application of manchurian window pattern in illustration design内容摘要 不同地域的建筑与装饰风格都有自身独特的一面。满洲窗则是在岭南地区中伴随特殊历史条件下衍生出的新窗饰,它体现了岭南文化的兼容并蓄,是岭南地区特有的历史见证。然而随着城市化的发展与推进,这些优秀的文化建筑正濒临消失于人们的视野。本文将从这极具标志性的传统建筑装饰元素满洲窗的文化发展,装饰图案及色彩等进行研究,探索岭南装饰建筑满洲窗的独特文化魅力,将满洲窗图案有机的与插画设计融合,为现代插画艺术注入了新血液,开拓促进插画设计的多元化和互融发展,达到传承与创新岭南满洲窗特有的文化魅力。 关键词:满洲窗 图案 装饰元素 插画设计广东东软学院本科毕业设计(论文)AbstractArchitectural and decorative styles in different regions have their own unique aspects. Manzhou window is a new window decoration derived from special historical conditions in Lingnan area, which embodies the inclusiveness of Lingnan culture and is a unique historical witness of Lingnan area. However, with the development and promotion of urbanization, these excellent cultural buildings are on the verge of disappearing in people's vision. This paper will study the cultural development, decorative pattern and color of Manzhou window, which is the most iconic traditional architectural decoration element, to explore the unique cultural charm of Lingnan decorative architecture Manzhou window, to integrate the Manzhou window pattern with the illustration design organically, to inject new blood into the modern illustration art, to open up and promote the diversification and mutual development of the illustration design, To achieve the inheritance and innovation of Lingnan Manzhou window unique cultural charmkey words: Manzhou window Pattern Decorative elements Iillustration design广东东软学院本科毕业设计(论文) 目录一、绪论...