摘 要通过对《朱淑真集注》中《断肠词》的词作进行梳理,对朱淑真现存 26 首词作中选用的主要意象进行归纳,即时令、景物以及其他特殊意象。其中时令意象以“春”为重点分析对象,景物意象以“花”“鸟”“月”“雨”为重点分析对象女词人通过独特的女性视角,将细腻敏感的情思与才情巧妙叠加,赋予景物或清冷孤寂,或高洁不俗的基调。纵使爱情坎坷、婚姻不幸,女词人并未向生活妥协,而是执着求爱。通过借助寻常景物意象,表现自身的抗争,表达着冲破封建束缚、追求本心的情感。关键词:朱淑真;《断肠词》;意象AbstractThrough sorting out the CI poems of "heartbroken CI" in Zhu Shu Zhen Ji Zhu, this paper sums up the main images selected in Zhu Shu Zhen s 26 extant CI poems, which are instant seasons, scenery and other special images .Among them, the seasonal image takes "spring" as the key analysis object, the scene image takes "flower" , "Bird" , "month" and "rain" as the key analysis object. Through the unique female perspective, the poetess skillfully superposes the delicate and sensitive feelings and feelings, endowing the scenery or the cool and lonely, or the noble and UNVULGAR tone. Although the love is rough, the marriage is unlucky, the poetess does not compromise to the life, but perseveres the courtship. Through the use of ordinary scenery image, the performance of their own struggle, the expression of break through the feudal shackles, the pursuit of the feelings of the heart.Key words:Zhu Shuzhen;Broken Intestine Ci; Image目 录一、引 言..............................................................1二、朱淑真词主要意象概述................................................2(一)以“春”为主体的时令意象概述...............................................................................3(二)以“花”“鸟”“月”“雨”为主体的景物意象概述.......................................41.“花”意象.....................................................