试论我国油气开采成本控制的现状和成本控制措施摘要石油工业是国民经济的重要支柱产业,油气开采企业的成本管理是提高其经济效益的关键措施。目前国内油气企业开采成本有的很高,对公司经济效益形成了很大的制约。因此,认真分析目前国内油气企业开采成本的现状,对成本管理经验认真总结,建立适合其生产经营特点的成本控制体系,是成本管理工作的重要工作,本文试图通过对国内外油气开采企业成本管理的有效做法和最新经验的调研和总结,希望对国内油气开采成本控制体系进行整体规划和设计,并对该体系的诸多重要方面的设计要点进行论述,为今后的成本管理工作奠定一个良好的基础。本文首先对相关概念进行理论综述。接着对油气开采成本的形成过程和结构进行分析,再此基础上对国外油气企业成本控制的经验进行总结,并分析我国油气企业在成本控制上的现状。最后对我国油气开采成本控制措施的思考。关键词:成本控制;油气开采;措施1ABSTRACTThe oil industry is an important pillar of the national economy, industry, oil and gas exploration company cost management is a key measure to improve their economic efficiency. Currently some of the high cost of extracting oil and gas companies, the company has created a great economic constraints. Therefore, a careful analysis of the current cost of domestic oil and gas exploration company the status of the cost of management experience serious reviews of the establishment of the characteristics suited to their production and operation cost control system is an important work of the cost of management, this paper attempts by domestic and international oil and gas exploration Enterprise Cost Management The experience of effective practices and the latest research and summary of hope that the cost of domestic oil and gas extraction and control system for the overall planning and design, and many important aspects of the system design elements for discussion, the cost of management for the future lay a good foundation. This article fir...