《战国策》作为研究战国时期历史的重要典籍,备受研究者的重视,出现各种注本,而对于《战国策》的序跋的价值,却少有人注意。文章按照朝代收集了《战国策》序跋的相关材料,并分析历代序跋的特点,包括品评他人,指出他误;旁征他籍,参校补注;评价公允,观点新颖。在此基础上,文章进一步探究这些序跋的创作原因以及价值,以期引起人们对《战国策》序跋的重视。关键词:《战国策》序跋;特点;价值AbstractAs an important classic book for studying the history of the warring states period, the policy of warring states has been paid much attention to by researchers, with various notes appearing. However, few people pay attention to the value of the preface and postscript of the policy of warring states. According to the dynasty, this paper collects the related materials of the preface and postscript of the policy of warring states, and analyzes the characteristics of the preface and postscript of all dynasties, including the comments on others and pointing out their mistakes. By recruiting him to join the school notes; The evaluation is fair and the viewpoint is novel. On this basis, this paper further explores the reasons and values of these preface and postscript, in order to arouse people's attention to the preface and postscript of the policy of warring states.Key words: "strategy of warring states" preface and postscript; Characteristic; Academic value 目录............................................................1....................................1........................................1........................................2........................................3..........................................3........................................4........................................4........................................5........................................6........................................7.........................