北京理工大学珠海学院 2020 届本科生毕业论文试论李白诗歌的浪漫情怀试论李白诗歌的浪漫情怀摘 要李白是唐代诗坛最杰出的诗人,他在庄子、屈原的基础上进一步丰富了浪漫主义的表现手法,使浪漫主义的诗歌发展到一个新的高度。正是因为李白的诗歌本身具有极高的文学价值,才使得无数的学者去研究探讨。本文旨在探究李白诗歌的浪漫情怀。首先是联系时代背景以及李白个人经历和性格特点去探究李白诗歌浪漫情怀的成因。其次,结合对具体诗例去探究李白浪漫情怀在诗歌中的具体体现。通过对李白经典诗作的深入品读笔者发现,他非常善于运用大胆丰富的想象和夸张的手法,仿佛有一股气注入到诗作之中,让读者深切体会到诗歌中的飘逸浪漫。最后,通过对李白诗歌的浪漫情怀的现实意义的解读,启示我们要热爱生活,善于去发现美。关键词:李白;诗歌;浪漫情怀;表现手法北京理工大学珠海学院 2020 届本科生毕业论文On the romantic feelings in Li Bai's poems AbstractLi Bai is the most outstanding poet in the tang dynasty. He further enriched the expression of romanticism on the basis of Zhuang Zi and Qu Yuan, and made the romanticism poetry develop to a new height. It is because of the high literary value of Li Bai's poems that countless scholars have studied and discussed them. This paper aims to explore the romantic feelings of Li Bai's poems. The first is to explore the causes of Li Bai's romantic feelings in his poetry by connecting the historical background and his personal experience and personality. Secondly, combining with the specific examples of poetry to explore the concrete embodiment of Li Bai's romantic feelings in poetry. Through in-depth reading of Li Bai's classic poems, the author finds that he is very good at using bold and rich imagination and exaggerated techniques, as if there is a breath into the poetry, let the reader deeply understand the elegant romance in poetry. Finally, through the interpretation of the realistic meaning of the romanti...