试论《逃离》中的女性意识觉醒 摘要 被誉为“加拿大契科夫”的爱丽丝门罗是加拿大著名的短篇小说家,她在2013 年 10 月荣获诺贝尔文学奖,是首位以短篇小说获得此殊荣的作家。她的作品多以女性视角出发,以城郊小镇的平凡女子的平凡生活为主题,视角敏锐,笔触细腻,风格写实。虽然她的小说中女性角色繁多,但是在她们的成长过程中,都经历这不同程度的女性意识的觉醒,生动形象地反映了女性追求独立自我的过程本文主要以门罗的《逃离》为文本,从家庭、社会和自然三个方面对小说中的女性的觉醒进行分析,从而阐述小说中所蕴含的女性主义思想。 关键词:爱丽丝·门罗;女性意识觉醒;家庭视角;社会视角IAbstractAlice Munro (1931-), known as "Canada's Chekov", is a famous short story writer in Canada. She won the Nobel Prize in Literature in October,2013. She was the first writer to receive this award in short story. She writes mostly from the female perspective and focuses on the ordinary women's ordinary life experience in suburban town in Canada. Her works are famous for keen perspective, detailed description and realistic style. Female characters in her works are various; however, in their processes of growing up, they have experienced different degrees of female consciousness awakening, vividly reflecting the process of female self-growth in pursuing independence. This thesis using Munro’s Runaway as a text of closing reading, analyzes the awakening of women consciousness from three pespectives, namely family, society and nature, in order to expound the feminist thoughts contained in it.Key words: Alice Munro; The awakening of female consciousness; Feminist; family perspective; social perspective;IIContentsAbstract........................................................................................................................II1.Introduction..............................................................................................................