I中小企业分销网络的构建策略内 容 摘 要在如今竞争激烈的市场环境下,分销网络已成为企业市场营销中一个至关重要的部分。随着全球化浪潮和计算机技术的飞速发展,传统的分销模式和缺乏体验感的网络分销模式已不足以满足企业和消费者的日益增加的需求。当今国内的市场,微商、直播带货、O2O 模式等正在成为企业构建分销体系的热门选择,注重传统与网络模式的结合成了也成为目前分销网络的变革趋势,中小企业在大环境下如何融入潮流,正是本课题的关注点和创新点。本论文首先在理论上对分销网络相关理论和变革趋势进行简单概述,然后通过说明中小企业分销网络的运营状况,总结了其中存在的问题并剖析了产生问题的原因,以此为基础,提出了能够解决问题、发挥中小企业优势的分销网路构建与运行策略,提出涵盖品牌建设、团队打造、渠道建设管理到冲突管理,整合两种模式的组织结构、营销观念、运行成本,多角度多层次的建议,研究中小企业如何顺应趋势,整合传统模式和网络模式建立一个高效率低成本的分销网络,从而增加其竞争力。关键词:分销渠道;策略;高效;整合;IIConstruction Strategy of SME Distribution NetworkAbstractIn today's competitive market environment, distribution network has become an important part of enterprise marketing. With the tide of globalization and the rapid development of computer technology, the traditional distribution mode and the network distribution mode without experience are not enough to meet the increasing demand of enterprises and consumers. In today's domestic market, wechat business, live delivery, o2o mode and so on are becoming popular choices for enterprises to build distribution system. Paying attention to the combination of tradition and network mode has also become the trend of reform of distribution network. How to integrate small and medium-sized enterprises into the trend in the big environment is the focus and innovation of this topic. In this paper, first of all, the theory and trend of the distribution network are briefly summarized in theory. Then, by...