下载后可任意编辑本 科 毕 业 论 文论文题目:我国中小企业代理记账行业进展的合理化建议作 者: XXXX 指导老师: XXX 职称: XXX 下载后可任意编辑2024 年 4 月 我国中小企业代理记账行业进展的合理化建议(实习体会)摘要:本人于 2024 年 12 月到 2024 年 3 月在上海玉山财宝投资顾问有限公司实习了 4 个月,通过此次实习,让我对代理记账行业有了更深化的认识和了解。代理记账是指会计咨询服务机构及其他组织经批准设立会计代理记账业务的中介机构接受独立核算的委托,代替其办理记账、算账、报账业务的一种社会性会计服务活动。投资环境的优化、经济政策的宽松使中小企业的数量迅猛增加,而代理记账公司因其专业性和全面性深受企业的欢迎。代理记账行业的进展对中小企业的进展起了积极的推动作用,表现出极大的优越性。但是该行业中存在的很多问题是不容忽视的。为此我对造成这些问题的原因进行了分析并提出了解决问题的对策,略微谈谈自己对代理记账行业的认识和建议。关键词:代理记账 推动性 作用 问题 原因 对策 AbstractIn December 2024 March 2010 in Shanghai esb wealth my investment consultant limited company for four months, through the practice, let I to acting book-keeping industry has been more in-depth knowledge and understanding. Acting book-keeping refers to the accounting consultancy and other organizations approved for establishment of accounting bookkeeping agency business of intermediary organizations accept entrust, independent accounting bookkeeping, instead of their accounts, reimbursement of business accounting, a social service activities. The optimal investment environment, economic policy of small and medium-sized enterprises make rapid increase, and bookkeeping agency company because of its professional and comprehensive enterprise welcome deeply. Bookkeeping agency industry, the development of small and medium-sized enterprise development plays a positive role in promoting, showed great superiority. However, the existing problems in the industry is not al...