联网+时代中小企业市场营销策略创新探讨内 容 摘 要联网+时代的到来,中国市场经济发展趋于激烈,但是我国社会经济固有的矛盾,也在不断的扩大。特别是中小企业与大型国企之间的竞争,趋于明显。联网+时代下的中小企业存在于社会的不同层次与阶级,占着我国大部分的细分市场。机遇与挑战是相互依存的,互联网时代下中小企业相关信息的收集更便利,各个产品标价愈渐透明,最终结果是市场竞争加剧,所以中小企业在夹缝中艰难生存,这时就需要良好的市场营销策略协助中小企业在这个大环境下取得好的发展。本文主要是通过对联网+时代下的中小企业中小企业大多数都有的市场营销策略进行研究,指出我国联网+时代中小企业市场营销策略中所暴露的问题,找到其间的解决方案。本文认为联网+时代下中小企业若想持久的发展,必须制定更加精准的市场营销策略及相关的方案。关键词:市场营销;创新;策略;中小企业Discussion on The Innovation of Marketing Strategy of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in The Era of Internet IPlusAbstractSmall and medium sized enterprises play an essential role in the development with a comparison of their growth among different economy countries. They are irreplaceable by large enterprises in respects of blooming marketing,innovation technology, creating employment and stabilizing the society. Researching on the small and medium sized enterprises is a permanent and world theme. There is different meaning of researching on small and medium sized enterprises in different background.The whole scale of our nation's enterprises is not large. In the period of the system of economic reform, Re-employment problem of unemployed workers becomes the main problem of the society. Small and medium sized enterprises play an important role in solving re-employment problem and relieving society pressure.But we find that small and medium sized enterprises have weak competitive in reality. Average life of small and medium sized enterprises is temporal compared with large en...