快捷酒店营销策略分析——以洛阳市为例摘 要随着人们对生活质量的追求增加,旅游业开始迅速发展起来,而快捷酒店作为旅游业的关键构成,其刚性需求越加明显。本文通过对快捷酒店发展现状及其生存环境的深入分析,以洛阳市克里斯丁酒店为例,对其进行了 SWOT 分析,进一步探究了快捷酒店行业的营销理念、运营方式、服务质量以及品牌形象等,同时找出了其一系列营销环节中存在的问题,例如:市场定位不明确、服务项目不满足与顾客、促销形式少、人员专业知识缺乏等,并从目标市场策略、产品策略、促销策略、价格策略入手,提出了具有针对性的、行之有效的对策,以期为新常态下我国快捷酒店发展献出绵薄之力。关键词: 快捷酒店;营销策略分析;洛阳市克里斯丁酒店English SubjectABSTRACTWith the people's quality of life in the pursuit of increased tourism began to develop rapidly up and Inns constitution as a key tourism, the rigid demand has become increasingly obvious. Through in-depth analysis of the development status Inn and living environment, Luoyang City Christi Hotel, for example, a SWOT analysis was carried out to further explore the Inn industry marketing idea, the way they operate, service quality and brand image etc., and to find out its part of a series of marketing existing problems, such as: market positioning is not clear, the project is not satisfied with the customer service, fewer forms of promotion, lack of staff expertise, etc., and from the target market strategy, product strategy, promotion strategy, pricing strategy, puts forward a targeted and effective countermeasures to the new normal for the next development of Inn gave modest.Key words:Express Inn; Marketing Strategy; Luoyang Christian's Hotel目 录前言.....................................................................................................................1一、国内外酒店行业发展现状..................................................................1(一)国内酒店行业发展现状.........