I盒马鲜生服务营销策略研究内 容 摘 要在人民生活水平日益提高的今天,人们对生鲜产品的消费需求越来越大,对产品高品质的要求也逐步提升。另外冷链物流的初步发展和新兴的运营模式出现通过新零售,盒马鲜生运用互联网和冷链物流技术,创新生鲜行业模式为生鲜行业注入新动力。同时,盒马鲜生也处于扩张的关键阶段,对于不断崛起的京东7fresh、超级物种、苏鲜生等竞争对手和相关的媒体报道消极的评价,在以后面对竞争对手和负面消息如何采取相关措施应对和改进问题,并且如何让自身在生鲜行业立足,是值得研究的问题。本文分为五部分,第一部分首先通过文献分析介绍国内外服务营销发展现状和主要的分析工具,为研究提供相关的理论依据,应用理论工具解决企业相关问题。第二部分介绍生鲜行业中盒马鲜生公司的基本情况和营销现状,并分析盒马鲜生的宏观环境,对所处的政治、经济、文化、技术进行探究分析宏观环境对盒马鲜生带来的影响。以及通过盒马鲜生所处的竞争环境运用 SWOT 方法分析盒马鲜生的优势和不足。最后两部分针对盒马鲜生在服务营销存在的问题进行分析总结并提出有效的解决办法为盒马鲜生或其他生鲜企业提供借鉴和参考。关键词: 服务营销策略; SWTO 分析; 新零售; 盒马鲜生IIResearch on Marketing Strategy of Freshippo Fresh ServiceAbstractToday, with the improvement of people's living standard, people have more and more demand for fresh products, and the requirements for high quality of products are gradually raised.In addition, the preliminary development of cold chain logistics and the emergence of new operational models.Through the development of Internet and cold chain logistics, innovative fresh industry model provides new power into the fresh industry.At the same time, Freshippo is also at the key stage of expansion. For the rising Jingdong 7fresh, Chaoji Wuzhong, Su Xiansheng and other competitors and other related media reports.It is worth studying how to take relevant measures to deal with and competitor,improve the negative news in the future and how to make itself stand in the living industry.This...