摘要上海海格威高压油管制造有限公司是一家高新技术产业化的企业,主要生产和加工各类液压过渡接头,卡套接头,软管接头以及油管总成等,在行业内具有较高的知名度。但近年来该企业发展放缓,产品营销方式的落后成为公司快速发展的瓶颈,其突出表现为市场细分、市场定位不清晰, 营销策略滞后,市场竞争战略不明确,营销管理和建设队伍等保障措施不能有效相互协调。这些问题严重影响着公司的进一步发展和壮大。本文运用各种市场营销管理的理论和方法对高压油管零件市场进行了分析研究。首先对海格威公司的整体宏观环境进行深入的分析,指出公司行业环境比较好。其次对高压油管零件行业目前的发展状况进行了阐述,在竞争环境分析方面运用了波特五力模型,运用市场细分、目标市场、市场定位理论及 SWOT 分析法对公司的产品营销战略进行了研究。此篇论文对海格威公司的市场营销环境及其所处社会宏观环境的分析,运用理论联系实际的分析方法,并配合该公司目前的实际情况,确定了其市场定位和竞争战略,制定了公司渠道、促销、产品、价格及品牌等营销策略,并提出了营销策略实施的保障和控制措施。关键词: 海格威,市场分析,营销策略Abstract Shanghai the sea space Wei high pressure pipe manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a high-tech industrial enterprises, the main production and processing ofvarious types of hydraulic transition joint, card set of joint, the hose joint and pipe assembly, high visibility in the industry. But the slow development of theenterprises in recent years, product marketing way behind and become the bottleneck of the company, its outstanding performance for market segmentation, market positioning is not clear, the delay of the marketing strategy, market competition strategy is not clear, marketing management and construction team, security measures can not effectively coordinated. These problems seriously affect the further development of the company and grow. This paper uses the theory and method of marketing management for high pressure tubing parts market analysis. First, in-depth analysis the overallmacro environ...