LK 咖啡的营销策略研究内 容 摘 要这些年,随着人们经济水平的不断提高,人们对产品的需求不止是停留于日常生活需要,更偏向追求健康,安全,方便以及快捷的生活方式,在这样的环境影响下,从西方引进的咖啡也从奢侈品的形象渐渐转变为上班白领与学生手中常拿的日常饮品,人们对于咖啡的需求也日益增加。而随着“新零售”概念的提出,以及时代变化所推出的外卖服务,LK 咖啡抓住这一时代上的风口,推出咖啡的新零售模式,在市场竞争中脱颖而出。不幸 LK 咖啡于 4 月 2 日承认销售数据作假,品牌形象一落千丈。但在营销策略上 LK 的表现还是有值得研究和肯定的地方。首先,在绪论里面对研究背景以及研究的意义作了简单的叙述;其次,结合以往国内研究市场营销论文以及期刊资料,了解其市场营销的基础并根据国内研究资料做出简单的小结,同时采用 STP 战略对 LK 咖啡的目标市场以及市场细分进行分析,将LK 咖啡的市场进行定位得出以后的目标市场定位方向;随后,运用营销策略,对 LK咖啡的产品,价格,渠道,促销四个方面进行分析研究,最后提出在营销过程中存在的问题以及对策,要注重品质管控,品牌本土化的传播以及产品多元化发展。关键词:LK 咖啡;营销策略;新零售PAGE \* MERGEFORMATIIResearch on Ruixing Coffee's Marketing StrategyAbstractIn recent years, with the continuous improvement of people's economic level, people's demand for products is not only staying in the needs of daily life, but also the pursuit of a healthy, safe, convenient and fast lifestyle. Coffee has also gradually changed from the image of luxury goods to daily drinks often taken by office workers and students, and people's demand for coffee is also increasing. With the introduction of the "new retail" concept and the take-away service introduced by the changing times, Ruixing Coffee has seized the yet-to-be-received era and launched a new retail model of coffee. Luckin Coffee has been divided into many markets by coffee brands. The gap was ripped in the middle and stood out in the market competition. At the same time, it also...