关于红太阳集团促销方式的几点思考摘要:中国是一个农业大国,作物种类及种植面积从南到北有很大差异,为了防治农作物病虫草鼠害,每年需使用大量农药,这些农药大多数由国内企业生产,也有一部分从国外进口。在当今的市场经济下,农药市场的竞争尤为激烈,红太阳集团作为中国农药行业的领头羊,拥有较高市场占有率,但是其在销售过程中仍然非常重视促销这一环节。 本文以促销理论为基础,联系红太阳集团的实际情况,将理论与实际相结合,并根据自身实习情况举了相关例子,思考红太阳集团的促销方式。科学有效的促销方式将会更好地带动红太阳集团一系列产品的销售,从而在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。关键词:红太阳集团;农药促销;促销方式;策略;不足;方法;发展趋势About red solar group promotion way several pondersAbstract: China is a large agricultural nation, crops and planting area from south to north, have very big difference, in order to prevent crop pest and disease each year to use cordyceps of pesticides, the majority of domestic enterprises producing pesticide, also part of imported from abroad. In today's market economy conditions, especially fierce market competition of pesticides, sun group as Chinese pesticide industry leaders, have high market share, but its sales process still attaches great importance to the promotion this link.Based on the theoretical foundation for the promotion, the actual situation, the red sun group will be integrating theory with practice, practice and according to oneself, thinking for examples of promotion group sun. Scientific and effective promotion will be better drive sun group, a series of sales of the products in the fierce market competition invincible.Key words: sun group, Pesticide, Promotion, Strategy, Insufficient, Methods, Development trend目 录1 促销理论概述 …………………………………………………………31.1 促销理论概念 ………………………………………………………31.2 促销的作用 …………………………...