下载后可任意编辑翻译英文山地车租借协议Mountain Bike Rent Agreement三亚凯莱仙人掌度假酒店为客人提供租借山地车的服务,为了双方的切身利益,请租借人遵守以下条款:Mountain bike rent service is available at Cactus Resort Sanya. To assure the interests of both sides, the borrower shall observe the following terms and conditions.1. 租借人将不损害三亚凯莱仙人掌度假酒店及其业主、雇员的权益,并将放弃由于使用酒店租借设备引起的或相关的对三亚凯莱仙人掌度假酒店及其业主、雇员的追究责任权; 1.Borrower shall pay a deposit in full to the renter upon signing of the rent agreement. No deposit is necessary for tenants of Cactus Resort Sanya, who shall show their room card. Customers not staying at Cactus Resort Sanya shall pay a deposit of RMB 1000/bike, which will be refunded when the bike is returned in complete and intact condition;2. 租借人应于租借协议签署之时,向店方交付足额押金。本酒店住店客人免交押金,但需出示房卡证明,店外客人需交付押金人民币 1000 元/辆,归还租借设备时需保证设备完整及无损坏,酒店方可退还押金给租借人;2.Borrower shall pay a deposit in full to the renter upon signing of the rent agreement. No deposit is necessary for tenants of Cactus Resort Sanya, who shall show their room card. Customers not staying at Cactus Resort Sanya shall pay a deposit of RMB 1000/bike, which will be refunded when the bike is returned in complete and intact condition;3. 未成年人在使用山地车的过程中,必须有成年人陪同;3.Minors shall be accompanied by adults for using the mountain bike;4. 山地车不能骑至泳池和海边沙滩区域,不得离开亚龙湾国家旅游度假区范围;4.Mountain bike shall not get anywhere near the swimming pool or beach area, nor 下载后可任意编辑beyond the Yalongwan National Resort area;5. 在公路上骑驶请遵守交通规则,请靠右非机动车道或在步行道上行使,以免发生危险;5.Please observe traffic rul...