题 目:空乘人员在机舱应急事件中的重要性摘 要随着中国空中飞行的发展以及人们出行方式的改变,人们使用飞机出行已经成为了普遍的交通方式,因此,航空安全问题也成为备受关注的热点。在这其中客舱安全是航空出行安全的基本保证,据统计飞机是出行交通工具里事故最少的交通出行工具,但由于工作人员处置不当、旅客的航空安全意识不强等人为因素造成航空飞行中的突发事件,这就要求我们的航空公司以及客舱部完善自身,提供更优质的服务。本文从航空安全角度出发,收集了空中飞行过程中突发应急事件的相关资料,整理并归纳总结,想为中国民航进一步改进和完善安全管理做一个贡献。关键词:航空;安全;突发事件IAbstract:With the development of China's air flight and the way people travel. The use of airplane travel has become a common mode of transportation. Therefore, aviation safety has become a hot topic. Among them cabin safety is the basic guarantee for air travel safety. It is estimated that the aircraft is the least accident-prone transportation vehicle in the travel vehicle. However, due to the improper handling of the staff, the passenger's aviation safety awareness and other human factors caused the emergencies in aviation flight. This requires our airline and the cabin department to improve themselves and provide better service.This paper starts from the Angle of aviation safety. Information about emergency incidents during air flight is collected. Organize and summarize. We want to make a contribution to the further improvement and improvement of safety management of China's civil aviation. Keywords:Aviation;Safety;EmergencyII引 言大家都知道,民航是一个高风险的行业,安全责任重于泰山,安全第一是最重要的关键所在,所以要扎实做好本职工作。本文从航空安全的角度整理了有关突发应急事件中客舱空乘人员的职责,以及对空乘人员在应急事件中的重要性进行了阐述。 III目 录摘 要............................................................................................................