I盐城市大丰区羽毛球馆经营管理设计摘 要随着我国社会的进步和经济的发展,国内制造业进入转型期,很多产能过剩的企业迁出城区或者停产,于是出现了大量的废弃厂房。于此同时,国家大力倡导全民健身,发展体育产业,人们的体育需求也越来越高,废旧厂房正好给体育产业提供了很好的场地,废旧厂房改造成体育运动场所应运而生。本文根据盐城市大丰区实际情况,提出对城西工业园区某一废旧厂房改造成羽毛球馆的方案,并对其建造、经营和管理进行详细的设计,使之转化为现实生产力。【关键词】羽毛球馆;体育产业;改造;经营管理The present situation and management scheme IIof badminton hall in Dafeng District of Yancheng CityAbstractWith the progress of China's society and economic development, the domestic manufacturing industry has entered a period of transition. Many enterprises with excess production capacity have moved out of the city or stopped production, so a large number of abandoned factories have appeared.At the same time, the national fitness advocate, the development of the sports industry, sports of the people demand more and more is also high, waste plant just to the sports industry provides a good venue, abandoned factory into a sports venue came into being.According to the actual situation of Yancheng City Dafeng area, put forward to the West Industrial Park, an abandoned factory into a badminton hall project, and the construction, operation and management of the detailed design, make it into practical productive forces.[Key words]badminton hall; sports industry; transformation; management 目 录III引 言....................................................................11 盐城市大丰区羽毛球馆现状分析.............................................22 羽毛球馆的建造设计.......................................................32.1 羽毛球馆的选址.....................................................32.2 运动场地..........................................