本科论文摘 要伴随着科学技术的进步,互联网在大众的生活中的普及程度越来越高。互联网的产生,也给许多企业商家带来了更多商机,各种商业模式不断出现,而在社交媒体平台的加持下,“粉丝经济”的概念也应运而生。粉丝们通过社会化网络下的社交关系的互动、分享、转发来参与到与偶像有关的社会活动体系中。这样对娱乐文化产业的贡献越来越大。由此产生的“粉丝经济”营销概念影响也愈发广泛。本文将通过对“社会化网络”和“粉丝经济”相关概念的梳理,深入分析了解社会化网络平台“粉丝经济”的主要网络营销模式,旨在促成“粉丝经济”的良性发展。关键词:社会化网络,社交关系,粉丝经济,网络营销模式本科论文AbstractWith the development of science and technology, the Internet has been widely used in people's life. The emergence of mobile Internet brings more business opportunities to businesses, and various economic business models emerge in an endless stream. With the support of social media, the concept of "fan economy" emerges at the right moment. Fans participate in the activities related to stars and idols through the interaction, subscription and forwarding of social media under the social network, making more and more contributions to the entertainment industry, and the resulting "fan economy" marketing model has become more and more widespread. This paper will analyze the main marketing modes of "fan economy" in the era of social network by sorting out the related concepts of "social network" and "fan economy", so as to promote the benign development of "fan economy".Key words:Social network, Social relations, Fan economy, Online marketing mode 本科论文目 录前言......................................................................11 绪论................................................................- 2 -1.1 研究背景.........................................................- 2 -1.2 研究意义.........................................................- 2...