摘要:。近些年在信息技术不断发展的背景下,媒体社会化也逐渐的发展起来。社会化的媒体打破了传统媒体的传播模式和格局,其参与性、公开性等特征使得社会媒体得到了很多人的支持。社会化媒体的产生为人们的生活带来了很多的便利,推动营销环境的改变社会化媒体在经济生活中的作用,使得很多的企业都提高了对社会媒体的重视,并将社会媒体融入到营销策略中。但是,在实际的发展中很少企业真正的懂得利用社会媒体来发展企业的品牌的方法,更多的企业都是将社会化的媒体当做是传统媒体的更新,没有发挥社会媒体的真正作用。互联网时代,社会化媒体对人们的影响力远超过其他任何媒体,基于此,文章从客户心理与企业相互联系的角度,详细阐述了社会化媒体的产生、发展以及对品牌营销的影响,并对经营者如何运用社会化媒体进行品牌营销和品牌价值传播的方式与途径进行了深入的探讨。关键词:社会化媒体;社交媒体营销;品牌传播A STUDY ON THE POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON BRANDSAbstract: In recent years, with the development of information technology, social media has risen rapidly. With its participation , openness and other characteristics , social media subvert the traditional media communication patterns and patterns of communication , but also attracted more and more people to participate in it. The emergence of social media has a great impact on people’s life, but also has a profound impact on the marketing environment. More and more enterprises have been aware of the importance of social media, marketing focus gradually shifted to social media. But there are very few enterprises that really know how to expand the brand awareness through social media. Most of the enterprises just consider social media as the substitute of traditional media , and they can’t give full play to the advantages of social media. The age of the Internet, social media influence on people far more than any other media, based on this, this article from the cus...