社 会 工 作 视 角 下 广 东 省 大 学 生 恋 爱 暴 力情 况 调 查 研 究【摘要】2016年3 月,我国颁布第一部关于反对家庭暴力的法律——中华人民共和国反家庭暴力法,使得社会各界越来越关注对家庭成员以外共同生活的人之间实施的暴力行为情况,反对、声讨家庭暴力以及恋爱暴力的声音越来越大。本调查通过查阅文献法和问卷调查法对广东省在校大学生恋爱暴力发生情况进行调查研究后发现,发生在大学生恋爱群体中的恋爱暴力行为情况十分频繁,其中心理攻击的发生率最高。大学生对恋爱暴力已经有了一个普遍的认知,但家庭、学校对大学生恋爱方面的教导效果并不明显。本调查针对以上结论,提出社会工作预防及减少恋爱暴力行为发生的途径,保障大学生的合法权益。【关键词】社会工作;大学生;恋爱暴力;现状;建议Investigation on love violence among college students in guangdong province from the perspective of social work[Abstract] In March 2016, China promulgated the first law against domestic violence -- the anti-domestic violence law of the People's Republic of China, which has attracted more and more attention from all walks of life to the situation of violent ACTS against people living together outside the family members. The voices opposing and criticizing domestic violence and love violence have become louder and louder. Through literature review and questionnaire survey, this study investigated the occurrence of love violence among college students in guangdong province, and found that the situation of love violence among college students in love groups was very frequent, among which the incidence of psychological attack was the highest. College students have a general understanding of love violence, but the teaching effect of family and school on college students' love is not obvious. Based on the above conclusions, this survey proposes ways to prevent and reduce the occurrence of love violence in social work and protect the...