佛山农村社区医疗卫生服务问题及对策探讨【摘要】得益于近年来我国经济水平的蓬勃发展,人民在实现物质与文化需求的基础上,更加注重自身以及家人的身体健康状况,更加关注医疗事业的发展。然而我国当前农村地区的医疗卫生建设体系仍亟待完善,存在的许多问题有待深入研究,“三农”问题的一个重要方面是解决农村医疗卫生发展滞后的问题。本文通过文献资料法与实证分析法相结合的方法,面向佛山市三水区部分农村社区居民开展调查问卷,同时与相关社区导师、社区健康服务负责人进行深入访谈,根据受访者的实际感受及其对未来展望等实际情况展开讨论,剖析当下佛山市农村社区医疗卫生服务的真实状况,了解农村居民的最大诉求。研究发现,佛山市内农村社区居民对自己的健康问题不够重视,忽视了潜在身体疾病隐患,加之政府在农村社区投放的医疗卫生经费和资源较少,村民得不到足够满意的医疗服务,医疗效果不显著,还有很大的提升空间。本研究在一定程度上有利于提高农村居民的卫生意识,进一步满足农村居民的健康需求,促进农村地区医疗卫生事业可持续发展,从而推动和谐社会的建设。【关键词】:农村社区;医疗服务;卫生保障;医疗卫生建设Analysis on the Problems and Measures of Rural Community Medical Services in Foshan[Abstract] Thanks to China's vigorous economic development in recent years, people have paid great attention to the physical health of themselves and their families as well as the improvement of medical care on the basis of meeting material and cultural needs. However, the current medical and health construction system in rural areas in China still urgently needs to be improved, and many issues remain to be further solved. Solving the rural medical and health problem is still an important aspect of the "three rural" issues.By linking the mothods of literature and empirical analysis, this paper conducts a questionnaire for some rural community residents in Sanshui District, Foshan City, and conducts in-depth interviews with relevant mentors and leaders of the community. It discusses the actual situatio...