网络口碑对消费者购买意愿影响的研究——以保健品为例【摘要】随着中国互联网技术的高速发展、网络购物的不断普及,网络口碑(I-WOM)影响力越来越大。有很多行业都乘着互联网发展的“东风”急速发展,而保健品行业便是其中之一。而当前保健品行业的网络营销研究却还大多“停留”在之前的“线下时代”,所以,研究网络口碑对保健品购买意愿的影响因素是十分有必要的。本文整理了中外文献建构模型,使用调查问卷法对数据进行收集和使用数据分析软件 SPSS19.0 进行分析。研究得出研究结论:(1)口碑信息发送者的专业性以及同质性对消费者保健品购买意愿没有正面影响;(2)口碑信息质量对消费者购买意愿有正面影响;(3)消费者涉入对消费者购买意愿有正面影响;(4)口碑信息数量对消费者购买意愿有正面影响;(5)基于本次研究,消费者购买保健品意愿方面的影响顺序为:消费者涉入、口碑信息质量、口碑信息数量。最后,根据本研究结论结合实际情况为保健品企业提出合理的网络口碑营销建议。【关键词】网络口碑;保健品;购买意愿;消费者行为Research on the Effects of Internet Word-of-Mouth on Consumers’ Purchase Intention —— Taking Dietary Supplement as an Example[Abstract] With the development of Internet technology and the popularization of online shopping in China, Internet word-of-mouth is gaining more and more influence.There are many industries are riding the "east wind" of the development of the Internet technology development, and health care products industry is one of them.However, the current online marketing research of health care products industry is still mostly in the "offline era" before "staying", so it is necessary to study the influence factors of online word-of-mouth on the purchase intention of health care products.In this paper, a model was constructed by sorting out Chinese and foreign literature, and data were collected by questionnaire method and analyzed by data analysis software SPSS19.0. Research conclusions: (1) the professionalism and homogeneity of the word-of-mouth...