I摘 要在经济快速发展和人们日益增长的美好生活的驱动下,人们将重心转移到了如何提高生活品质方面,尤其是开始着重关注个人的健康状况。在这样一个需求动力下,我国的体检行业在近十年来蓬勃发展,涌现出了一大批专业的体检机构,美年大健康集团凭借着十余年的拼搏和发展,夺取了中国体检行业的龙头位置。尽管如此,随着我国对外开放的力度加大,许多海外企业和资本也纷纷涌入中国市场,传统的体检行业逐渐面临着红海危机。近几年来,美年大健康集团的市场份额逐年下降,其营销策略的效果受到质疑。本文以美年大健康集团在厦门的分公司作为研究对象,选择现代营销理论的重点阐述厦门美年大健康的市场营销策略,在此基础上总结出其营销策略存在的问题包括:产品竞争力不足,品牌意识缺乏;定价策略不完备;营销渠道有限;促销策略形式单一等。并提出改进建议:优化产品策略,完善体检产品组合;强化价格策略,调整体检套餐价格层次;升级渠道策略,促进网络营销;创新促销策略,突出品牌优势等。关键词:美年大健康;体检行业;营销策略IIAbstractDriven by the rapid economic development and people's increasingly better life, people have shifted their focus to how to improve their quality of life, In particular, to focus on the health of individuals. Under such a demand driving force, China's physical examination industry has been booming in the past decade, with a large number of professional physical examination institutions emerging. Beauty health group has won the leading position in China's physical examination industry with more than 10 years of hard work and development. Nevertheless, with China's opening up to the outside world, many overseas enterprises and capital have rushed into the Chinese market, the traditional medical industry is gradually facing the red sea crisis. In recent years, the market share of Beauty health group has been declining year by year, and the effect of its marketing strategy has been questioned.Based on the analysis method of modern marketing theory, this paper...