泡泡玛特的盲盒营销策略研究——以中山市大学生为例【摘要】本文对泡泡玛特在中山市的盲盒营销现状进行研究,通过个案研究法和线上问卷调查的方式,发现泡泡玛特在中山市的盲盒营销策略中存在以下问题:泡泡玛特盲盒营销忽视男性盲盒市场的开发,稀有玩具和隐藏款玩具存在炒作的问题,产品的设计存在抄袭的问题和盲盒营销中存在渠道、价格和监管方面的问题。针对以上问题,利用 SWOT 方法进行分析,提出产品方面、渠道方面、价格方面和监管方面的具体建议。在此基础上,提出泡泡玛特在2、3 线城市发展、同行企业、盲盒市场和政府部门的相应的建议、共同促进盲盒行业更好地发展。【关键词】盲盒营销;市场调查;研究;建议Research on the marketing strategy of POP MART 's blind box——A case study of college students in Zhongshan City[Abstract] This article studies the current situation of the marketing strategy of blind box of POP Mart in Zhongshan City. Through case studies and online questionnaires, it is found that POP Mart's blind box marketing strategy has the following problems in Zhongshan: POP mart's blind box marketing ignores the development of male's blind box market, there are hype problems in rare toys and hidden toys, there are plagiarism problems in product design and channel, price and regulatory issues in blind box marketing. In view of the above problems, SWOT used for analysis, and specific suggestions on product, channel, price and supervision are put forward.On this basis, this article puts forward the corresponding suggestions of POP Mart in the development of second and third tier cities, peer companies, blind box market and government departments to jointly promote the better development of the blind box industry.[keywords]Marketing strategy of blind box Market Research Analysis Suggestion目 录1 绪论....................................................11.1 选题的背景......................................................1...