摘 要进入本世纪以来,随着房价的持续上涨,大部分年轻工作群体再无力负担高昂的房价,租房的需求应运而生,据贝壳研究院数据 2018 年我国人口 13.8亿,其中租房人群近两亿。住房租赁市场的呈现良好的发展前景。本文的研究对象自如在长租公寓行业处于行业龙头的地位,然而机遇带来发展的同时也带来许多挑战。自如作为长租公寓行业的独角兽企业,在目前负面新闻缠身的情况下如何采用有效的营销策略在激烈的竞争中继续保持领先优势。本文主要是通过对长租公寓平台市场现状的研究,以及针对自如公司的营销策划进行研究分析,探讨其营销存在的问题,产生的原因等,由此展开对自如的营销策略研究。关键词:互联网长租公寓;营销策略;自如公司;营销理念AbstractSince the beginning of this century, with the continuous rise of housing prices, most of the young working groups can no longer afford the high housing prices, the demand for housing rental came into being. According to the data of the shell Research Institute, in 2018, China's population was 1.38 billion, of which nearly 200 million people rented houses. The housing rental market presents a good development prospect.Ziroom-the research object of this paper is at the leading position in the long-term apartment industry. However, opportunities bring not only development, but also many challenges. As a unicorn enterprise in the long rent apartment industry, how to adopt effective marketing strategy to keep the leading position in the fierce competition under the current situation of negative news. This paper is mainly through the research on the current situation of long-term apartment platform market, as well as the research and Analysis on the marketing planning of Ziyi company, to explore the existing problems and causes of its marketing, so as to carry out the research on the marketing strategy of ziroom.Key words : Internet long-term apartment; marketing strategy; free compa...