1摘 要家族式管理模式是世界范围内普遍存在的一种企业管理模式。家族式管理模式在企业的初创期立下了赫赫战功,却在企业后续发展壮大时因其存在的劣势,陷企业于困境中。我们有必要深入分析企业在采取家族式管理模式时存在的问题,找出根源,对症下药。本文主要是结合安通控股目前的现状,采用本人实际工作体验和公司爆出的事实依据,分析安通控股采用家族式管理模式存在的问题,提出解决目前问题的对策。通过分析发现,安通控股目前存在着决策不够民主科学、财务审批不严监督不到位、人员选拔任用不公平合理、企业文化没有同步更新和整体计划控制不科学等管理制度问题,希望安通控股能制定科学合理的决策制度并坚决贯彻执行,保证决策的民主性和科学性。能严格落实财务审批制度和监督制度,加强财务的管理和监督。能完善人员选拔任用制度,为公司选拔最佳人选,留住优秀人才。能同步更新企业文化,用优秀企业文化带领公司上下齐头并进。能对公司进行科学计划和有效控制,保证管理的有效实施。关键词:家族式管理模式;管理制度;安通控股Abstract2The family management mode is a kind of enterprise management mode in the world. The family management mode established outstanding achievements in the initial stage of the enterprise, but in the subsequent development and growth of the enterprise due to its disadvantages, trapped in the enterprise in a difficult situation. It is necessary for us to make an in-depth analysis of the problems in the adoption of family management in enterprises, to find out the root causes and find the appropriate medicine.Based on the current situation of antong holdings, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the family management mode of antong holdings and puts forward the countermeasures to solve the current problems based on my actual work experience and the factual basis of the company.Through the analysis found that, on holding at present there is not enough democracy and science decision-making financial examination and approval of lax supervision does not...