食物的营养价值与饮食搭配摘要:俗语说的好,“民以食为天”,诚哉斯言,人类要想实现生存,食物扮演者举足轻重的角色。随着全球化互联网经济的发展,世界各地的政治、经济、文化都得到了飞速进步,人们的生活水平不断提升,在此基础之上,各地区人民群众的饮食结构发生改变。同传统的饮食特点不同,当下人们在饮食搭配方面更多的是关注健康和养生,科学且合理的饮食结构成为。人类的生存离不开食物补给需求,同时人类也能够从食物中去获取所需要的营养与能量,从而维持自身的生理需求和生活需求,使得大众健康得到保障,饮食健康业已成为当代人的基本需求,因此,一定要实现均衡营养和平衡膳食这两个目标,养成良好的膳食习惯。随着时代的变迁,大众对于健康的理解已经从“无病即健康”转变为整体的健康管理,所以在饮食方面也将食物的营养和健康价值考虑进内,科学饮食搭配成为首选。关键词:食物营养价值;饮食;搭配The nutritive value of food and food matchAbstract:As the saying goes, "people take food as the sky", sincere words, if human beings want to achieve survival, food plays an important role. With the development of global Internet economy, politics, economy and culture all over the world have made rapid progress, and people's living standards have been continuously improved. on this basis, the diet structure of the people in all regions has changed. Different from the traditional dietary characteristics, people pay more attention to health and health in the aspect of diet collocation, and the scientific and reasonable diet structure becomes. Human survival can not be separated from the need for food supplies, at the same time, human beings can also get the nutrition and energy they need from food. In order to maintain their own physical needs and living needs, so that the health of the public can be guaranteed, diet health has become the basic needs of contemporary people, therefore, we must achieve the two goals of balanced nutrition and balanced d...