摘要从《中华人民共和国食品安全法》颁布施行算起,已经过去了三年的时间,笔者对其在我国的具体施行状况进行了调研。参考国际上其他国家与食品相关的法律,均在食品安全风险的监察以及评定、食品企业的经营方式、食品行业的具体标准等方面有所限制。而我们国家在对上述中的法律法规进行了制定后,通过理论以及实际的结合,相互协调、各司其职的方式建立起食品安全的负责体系,从而使我国在食品安全方面的制度得到提升,以法律的武器对食品安全进行强有力的捍卫,可与国际上相关法律较为完善的国家对比,我国的食品安全法律制度仍有所缺陷。本文从理论出发,通过将我国的食品相关的法律与国外的进行对比,取其精华,以期为我国的食品安全法律的进步提供一定的参考。关键词:食品安全法,现状分析,研究AbstractFrom the food safety law of the People's Republic of China enacted, have in the past three years, the author of the specific implementation in our country has carried on the research. Reference to other countries in the world and food related laws, all in the food safety risk monitoring and evaluation, food enterprise mode of operation, the food industry the specific standard of limit. While in our country to formulate laws and regulations of the above, through the combination of theory and practice, coordinate with each other, do their job is responsible for the way to establish a food safety system, so that our country improve the food safety system, in the arms of the law on food safety for the powerful safeguard, can be related to the international law more perfect country.Key words: food safety law, Analysis of the situation, research目录引言....................................................................1第一章 新《食品安全法》施行后的巨大反响.................................21.1 《食品安全法》修订后的改变......................................2第二章 新《食品安全法》施行后的情况简析.................................42.1 新的食品法律中的创新点.........................