北京理工大学珠海学院 2020 届本科生毕业论文时间副词“一直”“从来”的 比较分析与对外汉语教学时间副词“一直”、“从来”的比较分析与对外汉语教学摘 要时间副词是现代汉语中的一个重要部分,由于时间副词数量繁多,用法复杂且含义抽象,使得留学生在学习时间副词时存在一定困难。本文通过相关文献和著作的研究分析作为研究基础,以“一直”、“从来”及两词的对外汉语教学为研究对象,分析“一直”、“从来”本体的语义、句法、语用三个方面,并针对以上三个方面对两词做细致且完整严谨的对比分析。与此同时结合北京语言大学 HSK 动态语料库,对留学生使用两词的偏误进行具体分析,研究教师在对于以上两词授课时可以参考的一些普遍性及实用性策略。本文研究“一直”、“从来”的异同点,并研究可提供给教师借鉴的教学策略,从而提高课堂的教学效率,促进对外汉语教学的发展。关键词:时间副词;一直;从来;对外汉语教学1北京理工大学珠海学院 2020 届本科生毕业论文 Comparative Analysis of Time adverbs ‘Yi Zhi’ &“Cong Lai” and Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language AbstractTime adverbs are an indispensable part of modern Chinese. But their huge number, complicated usage and abstract meaning always made it difficult for international students to learn. Based on the research and analysis of relevant literature and works, the research objects of this paper are the two words "Yi Zhi" and "Cong Lai" and the related contents of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language. It analyzed the semantic, syntactic and pragmatic aspects of these two words, and respectively made a detailed and rigorous comparison analysis of them.Meanwhile, on the basis of the HSK dynamic corpus of Beijing Language and Culture University, this paper makes a specific analysis on the mistakes that foreign students' will make while learning "Yi Zhi" and "Cong Lai" . In this way, it will be able to conclude some general and practical strategies that teachers can refer to when teaching these two wor...