中文摘要Bi2MoO6/石墨烯复合材料的制备及性能研究摘 要本论文以硝酸铋、钼酸钠、石墨烯为原料,利用水热法制备了用于光催化作用的Bi2MoO6/石墨烯复合材料。实验中讨论了不同实验条件下对于所得粉体的催化效果、颗粒形貌、粒径等各种特征的影响,不同实验条件有:表面活性剂种类、掺杂量、反应时间、反应温度、溶剂。制备完成后,通过紫外吸收光谱测试其光催化性能,再通过 SEM对产物进行表征。通过对部分样品的 SEM 表征中发现,Bi2MoO6附着在片层石墨烯上的时候,会发生明显的团聚现象。通过对降解后的染料进行紫外吸收光谱测试发现,适当改变制备样品时的溶剂和添加合适的表面活性剂,可以有效的提高样品的降解率。通过对样品进行的紫外吸收光谱测试发现,在绝大部分情况下,样品的禁带宽度越小,相应的降解率会越高,吸收的波长范围也会越大。关键词:钼酸铋;石墨烯;水热法;光催化;复合材料;紫外吸收光谱;禁带宽度IABSTRACTPREPARATION AND PHOTOCATALYTIC PERFORMANCE OF Bi2MoO6-GRAPHENE COMPOSITESABSTRACTIn this dissertation, Bi2MoO6/graphene composites for photocatalysis were prepared by hydrothermal method using barium nitrate, sodium molybdate and graphene as raw materials. The effects of various characteristics on the catalytic performance, particle morphology, and particle size of the obtained powder under different experimental conditions were discussed. The experimental conditions were: surfactant type, doping amount, reaction time, reaction temperature, solvent . After the preparation, the photocatalytic properties were measured by ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy, and the product was characterized by SEM.Through the SEM characterization of some samples, it was found that when Bi2MoO6 is attached to the lamellar graphene, obvious agglomeration occurs. Through the UV absorption spectrum test of the degraded dyestuffs, it is found that the appropriate modification of the solvent and the addition of a suitable surfactant during the preparation of the sample can effectively i...