(论文)摘 要石墨烯由于其十分优异的电学、热学和机械性能及优良的透光率、比表面积大等优势而广泛的受到人们追捧。尤其是在 2004 年成功制得稳定存在的石墨烯之后,更是兴起了一股研究石墨烯的潮流。如何成本低廉、面积大、数量丰富、质量优异的制备石墨烯,并将其应用在实际生产中是研究人员努力的目标。本文主要对这几年中一些改善的或新的石墨烯的制备方法以及其电化学性能做了综述,从中可以看到石墨烯在电学方面存在巨大的发展潜力。作为石墨烯家族的一员,石墨烯量子点(GQDs) 的纳米尺度仅仅只有几纳米。采用高温加热干燥的方法制备得到石墨烯量子点,由石墨烯量子点对稻壳基活性炭进行修饰,发现其作为锂离子电池电极具有良好的电化学性能。结果表明,通过引入石墨烯量子点,电极的电荷转移电阻明显减少(从 577.7Ω 减少到 123.9Ω),锂离子扩散系数增加了 175 倍。同时,引入石墨烯量子点提高和改善电池的循环稳定性有很好的效果。- I -关键词: 石墨烯;制备;石墨烯量子点;锂离子电池;电化学性能(论文)AbstractGraphene has attracted attention due to its excellent electrical, thermal and mechanical properties, high light transmittance and large specific surface area.In particular, after the successful preparation of stable graphene in 2004, there was a trend of research on graphene.How to prepare graphene cheaply, in large areas, in large quantities and with excellent quality, and apply it to practical production is the goal of the researchers.This paper mainly reviews some improved or new preparation methods and electrochemical properties of graphene in the past few years, from which we can see that graphene has great potential in the field of electricity.As a member of the graphene family, graphene quantum dots (GQDs) have nanoscale dimensions of several nanometers.The graphene quantum dots were prepared by heating and drying at high temperature. The rice husk-based activated carbon was modified by the graphene quantum dots. It was found that the graphene quantum dots had...