高职院校学生对发酵技术认知调查报告摘要:目前,对于高职院校发酵技术的学习许多学生都走进了一个误区,对于高职院校的发酵技术来讲他区别于化学和物理,没有那么强的理性思维。因此,很多的学生把高职院校的发酵技术归结为理科课程中的文科学习,受中国一直以来的应试教育影响,学生一直以应付升学考试为目的,进行学习,对发酵技术这么学科的学习也就是抱着“好记性不如烂笔头”的思维方式,死记硬背,而完全的忽视了发酵技术这门课程对学生在自身能力上的培养。另外,学生自身对发酵技术学习的兴趣没有提升,对这门学科认识上存在差异,学习的方法不适当、学习的目标也不明确,都导致了高职院校学生对于发酵技术学习的吃力。关键词:高职院校;发酵技术;认知调查Investigation Report on Students'Cognition of Fermentation Technology in Higher Vocational CollegesABSTRACT: At present, many students in higher vocational colleges have entered a misunderstanding in the study of fermentation technology. For fermentation technology in Higher Vocational colleges, he is different from chemistry and physics, and has not so strong rational thinking. Therefore, many students attribute fermentation technology in Higher Vocational Colleges to liberal arts study in the course of science. Influenced by the examination-oriented education in China, students have been studying for the purpose of coping with entrance examination. To learn fermentation technology is to hold the thinking mode of "good memory is worse than bad pen", rote memorization, and completely ignore fermentation technology. This course aims to cultivate students'abilities. In addition, students'own interest in fermentation technology learning has not been improved, there are differences in the understanding of this subject, inappropriate learning methods, learning objectives are not clear, all of which lead to the difficulty of higher vocational college students for fermentation technology learning.Key ...